Minutes of Congregational Meeting, June 12, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 10:02AM by President Iris Atkins. Pastor Ron led the congregation with a prayer.

There was a headcount taken of all present, the total was 93.

Council President Iris Atkins addressed the congregation and explained the council’s tasks, the voting process, and the most important, current issues facing the church. She invited all church members to upcoming council meetings to encourage open communication within the church.

The Director of Operations, Brett Perkins was invited to speak. Brett talked about latest updates regarding the cell tower and the Montessori school. He explained Verizon rents the church land for use and placement of a cell tower. The church can re-assign the lease to a third party. The third party can give the church money up front as part of their dealings with Verizon. Brett explained there were a few third party bids that were considered and the best bid was selected.

Concerning the Montessori school, the funds to remodel the church upper campus will come from the re-assignment of the cell tower to the third party bidder. The first remodel bid was $150,000 and and an additional $20,000 for the AC system. Brett explained that a second bid is currently being sought.

The Montessori school will pay between $5,000-$6,000 in rent each month. The congregation was shown a copy of the area plan, showing the footprint of the Montessori school on the upper campus. The fencing and gates around the school was also discussed.

The use of Jacobson Hall was discussed as well as the timeline in which the school would begin to use it for additional class space. Brett said the school would have full use of the upper campus Monday thru Friday but, that the church would be able to use it when needed.

The floor was then opened up to questions by church members which were answered by members of the church council and Brett Perkins.

Question 1. Where will Glory Lutheran and the other groups that use Jacobson Hall be moved? Answer- Options will be given to Glory Lutheran as to use of the sanctuary space for their worship. The council will also meet with Glory Lutheran to discuss this soon. Any other groups would be invited to gather in the lower campus rooms. There was a follow up question asked. What about the money the church will lose if Glory Lutheran decides to leave? Answer-The Montessori school has agreed to cover any money the church will lose from any lost revenue that is a result of their school.

Question 2. What is the length of the Montessori school contract? Answer- Ten years.

Question 3. Is the Montessori school a for-profit school? Answer- Yes. A follow up question was asked. What happens if the Montessori school goes bankrupt? Answer-The duration of contract will have to benefit the church and make St. Mark’s investment worthwhile. If the Montessori school goes bankrupt, St. Mark’s will have an already remodeled space ready for a new school.

St. Mark’s office secretary, Melody Kohl, addressed the congregation to explain office procedures about notifying members about today’s meeting and the need to be present to cast a vote.

Question 4. Why is the Montessori school not being asked to help with the cost of improvements? Answer- They are paying a premium each month. Their investment in the updates is being spread out over the term of their contract with St. Mark’s.

Question 5. How many children will be enrolled at the school? And can that number increase? Answer 2. There are 94 children allowed at the school. This is based on space allowed and teachers available as per the school’s license.

Question 6. Is St. Mark’s non-profit tax status affected by having a for-profit Montessori school on campus? Answer- No

Roz Nelson spoke on behalf of Chris Lewis, who could not be present for the meeting and vote today. She read a note in which Chris requested the vote be postponed for one month to allow members more time to ask questions and get more information about the Montessori school project. Chris Lewis suggested a mail ballot be sent to all church members. Roz Nelson made a motion to table the vote. The motion was seconded by Billy Cox. A count of those in favor of tabling the vote for one month was taken. 47 members voted in favor of tabling today’s vote.

Question 7. The question was asked if a Commitment Sunday could be scheduled? Answer- In the past only 20% of members responded to the request for a “time & talent” survey.

At this time during the meeting the Spanish congregation arrived and were asked to cast a vote. It was pointed out that a few church members had left the meeting following the first vote and it was decided to keep the original vote and reschedule another member meeting in one month. Sunday, July 17, 2016 was agreed upon.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00AM.

Notes taken by Stephanie Rodriguez


Posted in Preschool.