
WILLING VOLUNTEERS: Please let us know what gifts of time and talent you’re willing to share with St. Mark’s! Email Sherri Coughlin, our volunteer coordinator at scough49@cox.net or get a survey in the lobby at church on Sunday. There are lots of opportunities for your service!

LAY READERS NEEDED: Sherri Coughlin is volunteering to coordinate the Lay Readers – please email her at scough49@cox.net to help out.

USHERS please contact Chris Lewis lewisgr@cox.net to join our team of ushers who help out during every service. 

COMMUNION ASSISTANTS:  If you have ever thought that you might like to help with serving communion please see Dorothy Geier, call (619-479-9975) or email her hdgeier@gmail.com.

NEWSLETTER If you would like to send information out to the congregation through our monthly eNewsletter please send articles or photos to Debbie Lechner, lechner@cox.net

THURSDAY QUILTERS: If you can tie a knot, or pin through 3 layers of fabric you PASS the test…there is something everyone can do. The bonus is, you will get to know some marvelous sharing, caring people. Meeting time is 9:00-12:00 noon each Thursday in the Quilt Room in the courtyard.

OUR PRAYER CHAIN MINISTRY: would like to support you and your loved ones. Please contact Cindy in the office office.stmarkscv@gmail.com

PRAYER QUILT MINISTRY meet one Saturday a month to sew together. Call Roz Nelson at 619-422-5463, or Jean Armer at 619-422-8793 for more information. The prayers of God’s people are powerful!

COFFEE SERVERS – if you are willing to make and serve coffee to go along with the fellowship after the service please tell Caye Bolin.

REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE around the church. Please contact the office office.stmarkscv@gmail.com 619 427-5515 OR Dennis Coughlin at 619-690-3278.

GARDENING meet at the church once a month from 8-10am on the first Saturday of the month to help keep St. Mark’s looking great.

ST. MARK’S WOMEN OF THE ELCA (WELCA)  committee is in need of members. If you are interested in participating in our unit, please contact the office.  We are involved in many outreach programs both locally and Synod-wide.