Council Minutes November 10, 2015


Members present: David Perez, Paul Ford, Nan Stufkovsky, Dawn Andrews, Pastor Ron Hovick, Bob Lechner, Alicia Saenz, Gaby Gutierrez, Georgene Nightingale

Members not present: Iris Atkins

The meeting was called to order by President David Perez at 7:00 PM.  Pastor Ron opened with prayer.

A motion to accept the the minutes of the October meeting were made by Pastor Ron, seconded by Dawn Andrews, approved by all.

The financial report will be delayed until the December meeting when Laura Ortiz returns from the WELCA Conference.


The Mignone Charter School application was rejected by the school district due to “financial concerns.”  The option to have the school become a satellite school of another district will be considered.


David suggested a $50 cleaning fee for facility renters (not lesees) as part of the original MOUs. Pastor will ask Brett to review the MOUs to check if revisions are required.


Pastor Ron discussed the back-up battery lighting system required for St Marks for  the safe exit in event of a power outage.  Our system is ten years old, but will fail over time. and must be replaced. The cost to replace the batteries and related items is between $4000 and $6000.  Pastor Ron made the motion to pay for the batteries as part of the 2015 budget.  Georgene seconded, approved by all.


Paul Ford gave an update on the Eagle Scout  project to build a raised flower bed in the shape of a cross.  The city of Chula Vista will supply a large quantity of dirt to help with the project.  An additional $500 is required to complete the project.  A motion to fund the $500 was made by David, seconded by Georgene, approved by all.


The meeting was adjourned  by President Perez at 9:22pm.


Bob Lechner




Posted in Council Minutes.