Council Minutes, February 2017

Minutes of Council Meeting, 14 February 2017

Members present:  Pastor Ron, Iris Atkins, Pastor Ron Hovick, Dawn Andrews, Georgene Nightingale, Nan Stufkosky, Tom Brosche, Alicia Saenz, Doug Essex,  Skip Knudsen, Elaine Tatus, and Nancy Dreesen.

Non-Members: Chris Lewis, Diane Nissen.

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Iris Atkins. Pastor Ron opened the meeting with a prayer.

January minutes were read and amended. A motion was made by Dawn Andrews and seconded by Georgene Nightingale to approve. Passed unanimously.

Chris Lewis spoke to the Council regarding the need to slow down the process of the preschool project as we explore our options. Council agreed.

Pastor Ron called for a spiritual refocus and asked Council members to invite church members to participate. Council agreed.

Discussion was held on how to better communicate with church groups.

After closing with prayer, led by Pastor Ron, meeting was adjourned at 9:41 p.m.

Submitted by Tom Brosche and Iris Atkins

Posted in Council Minutes.