Annual Congregational Meeting 2012

January 22, 2012

President Karl Larsen established that a quorum was present and convened the meeting at 10:20 a.m.  Pastor Ron Hovick opened the meeting with prayer.

President Larsen thanked everyone for attending the meeting and expressed appreciation for the information provided by the congregation at the two meetings regarding the 2012 budget.  He noted that it has been an honor and privilege to serve as president.

Herb Geier moved to approve the minutes of the January 30, 2011 annual meeting.   The motion was seconded by Jim Fortner and passed unanimously.

Brett Perkins, Director of Operations, presented the Financial Report in Treasurer Diane Flint-Wages absence.  As Director of Operations, he attends Council meetings and takes part in the discussions, but is not a voting member.

Brett noted that Council had held two budget meetings so that information could be gathered from the congregation.  He reviewed significant line items.   Donations for 2011 did not meet expectations.  However, expenses were kept in line with budget.  Consequently, expenses exceeded revenue by $18,532.32.   He noted that some line items that show no expenditures are funded by designated funds. Additionally, in order to grow the congregation, Council has intentionally funded ministries that initially provide only a small return, if any.

Brett reviewed the conditional 2012 budget.  He explained that it is a “conditional” budget because information recently provided by the congregation was not received in time for Council to consider those discussions and suggestions before the annual meeting.    There is a $20,000 gap in the 2012 budget that must be closed.    Brett called for approval of the conditional budget with the promise that a final budget would be presented for approval during the first quarter of the year.   The main areas of consideration for Council are the $20,000 gap, Staff salaries and benefits, and Benevolences.

An analysis of the reserve fund, income, salaries and benefits, and average attendance was discussed.  Brett pointed out that there is approximately one and one-half months of money in the reserve account to cover expenses.  The reserve account has decreased by about the same amount over the past six years.

A question and answer period followed Brett’s presentation.  Nancy Dreesen moved to approve the conditional 2012 budget as presented, but to have a final plan in place to close the $20,000 gap by the end of March.  Shirley Fortner seconded the motion and discussion continued.  The vote was called and the motion carried with 67 in favor and 2 nays.

The Constitution allows for up to 14 Council members.   Members returning to Council for the second year of their two year term are:  Mark Becerra, Mike Collins, Mark Lechner and Patricia Milliken.  Nominee for her second two-year term was Sheri Barker.  Nominees for their first two-year term were Juanita Celis, David Perez and Alicia Saenz.  Since there were fewer returning members and nominees than open seats, a secret ballot was not necessary.  Phyllis Stallard moved to approve the nominees.  The motion was seconded by Nan Stufkosky and passed unanimously.

Sheri Barker reviewed the Strategic Plan and called attention to the progress made on each of the Core Strategies.  She noted that the Core Strategies would be considered as the Council makes decisions regarding the budget.

Mark Lechner, Council Lead for the Long-term Sustainability Core Value, advised that the outbuildings will require new roofs and siding over the next 2-4 years at an estimated cost of $77,000.   He presented three options for financing the maintenance.

Option 1 – Take out an additional building loan – 10 year fixed @ 5.25%

Option 2 – St. Mark’s Building Fund Drive – 3-4 years to collect requisite funds

Option 3 – Defer project until Church finances improve

The congregation voted on the three options with the following results:   Option 1 – 12 votes; Option 2 – 30 votes; Option 3 – 6 votes.

Herb Geier moved and David Perez seconded to adjourn at 11:45 a.m.   The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia Milliken