Council Minutes, June 2017

Minutes of Council Meeting, 13 June 2017

Members present: Iris Atkins, Pastor Ron Hovick, Georgene Nightingale, Tom Brosche, Alicia Saenz, Skip Knudsen, Nancy Dreesen, Gabby Gutierrez, Nan Stufkosky and Elaine Tatus.

Members not present: Dawn Andrews and Doug Essex

Visitors: Rydale???? Paul Ford??

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by President Iris Atkins. Pastor Ron began the meeting with a prayer.

May minutes were read and amended. A motion was made by Pastor Ron Hovick and seconded by Nan Stufkosky to approve. Motion was approved by all.

Eagle Scout project was briefed by Paul Ford. Rose Garden project is completed. 1300 dollars of budgeted 3000 dollars was spent to complete the Rose Garden Project.

There was discussion that St. Mark’s continues to not collect enough money to meet monthly expenses.

Council discussed all options and agreed to a Congregational Meeting that is scheduled for July 30th 2017.

Financial report given by Gabby Gutierrez. Motion to approve was made by Pastor Ron Hovick and seconded by Nan Stufkosky and approved by all.

Council discussed using the Christian Education Fund to establish a stipend of 20 dollars for substitute Sunday school teachers. Motion to approve was made by Alicia Saenz. Seconded by Pastor Ron Hovick and approved by all.

Council meeting was adjourned at 9:03 P.M.

Submitted by Tom Brosche and Iris Atkins



Posted in Council Minutes.