
Service Opportunities at St. Mark’s
For more information about any opportunities to give your time and talent contact Volunteer Coordinator Karin August: kaugust@stmarks.sdcoxmail.com 

Lay Readers: Read scripture & prayers during worship services

Ushers: At worship services, greet & hand out bulletins, collect offering, answer questions, direct congregation to communion table, seat people as needed

Communion Assistants: Help serve communion at each worship service

Coffee Servers: Prepare and serve coffee on Sunday mornings after worship

Audio techs: Serve in audio booth at worship services, attend 1 Celebration Team rehearsal, make CD’s of worship for the CD Ministry, also work in booth @ weddings & funerals

Christmas Trees: Erect and decorate trees with Chrismons the 2ndSaturday in December.  Take down and store trees after Epiphany.

Property Maintenance: Do general work, ie. Painting, basic plumbing, electrical and other maintenance work

CD Ministry: Organize CD list of shut-in’s, maintain a supply of CD‘s, coordinate with pastor & audio techs, deliver CD’s to shut-in’s as needed. Upload sermon to the website.

Memorial Endowment Fund: Provide information on making charitable contributions to the Fund.  Manage fund investments; distribute scholarships, etc. to approved applicants from fund income

Scrip Program: Sign-up participants in Scrip program available through local grocery stores.

Library: Maintain, promote, purchase, catalog books & other media resources

Web Editors: Help keep website pages updated for each of the groups and ministries at St. Mark’s with current information and appropriate photos.