Council Minutes, October 3 2017

Council Minutes St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, October 3, 2017

Council Meeting was called to order by President Nancy Dreesen, who also led the Council in prayer.

Members present: Raidel Cubeno, Nancy Dreesen, Gabby Gutierrez, Skip Knudsen, Alecia Saenez.  Potential Council members: Billy Cox and Tony Torres.  Guest: Chris Lewis

  1. MSP – Council retroactively approved the minutes of the September 3rd Special Congregational meeting and the resignations of Pastor Hovick, Council members Dawn Andrews, Tom Brosche, Georgene Nightingale, Nan Stufkosky, and Elaine Tatus.  
  1. MSP – To accept the resignation of  Office Manager, Melody Kohl, effective 9/26/17.
  1. MSP – Motion to approve the appointment of Tony Torres and Billy Cox as interim (Oct-Jan 2018) Council members per *C12.03 of St. Mark’s Constitution.
  1. MSP – To accept September resignation of Doug Essex from the Council.
  1. Discussed use of facilities. Schedules and dates need to be analyzed and organized on a master calendar to avoid conflicts.  Council needs to be involved with scheduling and fees.  Heavy use by many groups is taking a toll on facilities and staff to clean up after use.  Raidel to contact groups regarding MOU’s & realistic fees.
  1. Billy Cox & Tony Torres to establish a property management committee.
  1. Raidel Cubeno will work on the possible replacement of the church’s printer. A more cost effective printer is needed.
  1. Billy Cox will pull together a maintenance team to handle the needs of the church and help Dennis Coughlin & Conrad Tapia. The more members involved the better.
  1. Entire Council will act as Personnel Committee until a full council is elected in January. Immediate need is to review job descriptions for Office Manager and Custodian. 
  1. Chris Lewis will establish a Nominating Committee to obtain candidates for the January Annual Meeting Ballot. Nominees will be voted on by entire congregation.
  1. Revenue & expense assumptions/budget and projections for 2018 to be given & explained to congregation at Oct. 8 Special Congregation Meeting.

Meeting was closed with prayer.  

Posted in Council Minutes.