Council Minutes, March 2017

Minutes of Council Meeting, 14 March 2017

Members present:  Iris Atkins, Pastor Ron Hovick, Dawn Andrews, Georgene Nightingale, David, Nan Stufkosky, Tom Brosche, Alicia Saenz, Doug Essex, Skip Knudsen, Elaine Tatus, Nancy Dreesen, Gabby Gutierrez.

February Council minutes were not ready due to email problems.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by President Iris Atkins. Pastor Ron began the meeting with a prayer.

Elaine Tatus made a motion to accept Council appointments for:  President Iris Atkins, Vice President Nancy Dreesen, Treasurer Gabby Gutierrez and Secretary Tom Brosche.  Authorized signers on Union Bank Main Account are to be Iris Atkins, Nancy Dreesen, and Georgene Nightingale. Motion to accept was seconded by Dawn Andrews and approved by all.

Pastor Ron Hovick made a motion to use Spanish Ministry (Special Gift) fund #30340 to pay Spanish Minister Alicia Saenz’s salary and to move $5,000 from Honoring & Remembrance Fund #31170 to the Temporarily Restricted Fund (TRF). Motion seconded by Skip Knudsen and approved by all.

Pastor Ron Hovick made a motion to close the Coffee Fund #34600 and send funds to the Synod Benevolence Fund, via the TRF.

Pastor Ron Hovick made a motion to close Narthex Improvement Fund #30221 and return monies to the TRF. Council had, in the past, designated this fund for Narthex Improvement. Motion seconded by Dawn Andrews and approved by all.

Action item: All Council members are to canvass Congregation for volunteers to serve as members of a spiritual refocusing group. 

Financial Report was given by Pastor Ron, and a motion to accept was made by Tom Brosche. Seconded by Nan Stufkosky and approved by all.

Pastor ended the meeting with prayer.

Council meeting was adjourned at 9:38 P.M.

Submitted by Tom Brosche and Iris Atkins

Posted in Council Minutes.