Council Minutes, March 2016

St Marks Evangelical Lutheran Church of Chula Vista

580 Hilltop Drive, Chula Vista CA 91910-6124

Minutes of Council Meeting, March 2016

Members Present- Paul Ford, Georgene Nightingale, Stephanie Rodriguez, Tom Brosche, Alicia Saenz, Gabby Gutierrez, Dawn Andrews, Nan Stufkosky, Bob Lechner,

Members Not Present- Iris Atkins, Davis Perez

Non Members Present- Laura Ortiz

The meeting was called to order by Paul Ford at 7:00PM.  Pastor Ron lead with prayer.

The minutes were read and amended.  The motion to accept the minutes was made by Pastor Ron, seconded by Dawn Andrews, and approved by all.

Financial Report- Treasurer Laura Ortiz explained that in the report the amounts of the SDG&E and CV sewer bills were half of the amounts shown. Income for the year to date was -$2442.  Expenses are about the same.  Some Council members asked if Laura was willing to give  a short talk familiarizing the Council members with the budget format and accounting practices.  She agreed to do that.

The motion to accept the report was made by Pastor Ron, seconded by Dawn Andrews, and approved by all.

Iris Atkins, Paul Ford, and Laura Ortiz need to be added to the bank check writing authority.  Bob Lechner brought a letter, on church letterhead, for the Union Bank on  Third Ave. and Palomar to put them on the signature card.

Pre School- Pastor Ron said the Congregational meeting to pass the Pre-School initiative was  approved by the Congregation. Brett Perkins had requested approval of funds to cover the cost of getting the project started.  It was decided to take $6,125 from Capital Improvement, line item # 36500, and $1743 from Buildings and Grounds, line item #30215.  The money would be paid back to these accounts when the Verizon contract is renegotiated or the pre-school is making monthly payments. The use of these funds would come with the approval of President Iris Atkins or Vice President Paul Ford.   The motion to accept was made by Pastor Ron, seconded by Nan Stufkosky and approved by all.

Pastor will be going on vacation to Seattle in April, he will have a stand-in Pastor for the April 17th service.

During open discussion: Tom Brosche said he will bring examples of styles for the memorial plaque.

As requested at the Annual meeting,

Council needs to schedule our first quarterly financial report to the congregation.

Paul Ford briefed the Council on committee progress to ensure all PDs are correct.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20

Bob Lechner,


Posted in Council Minutes.