Council Minutes July 17 2018

Meeting called to order at 7:05 P.M. by President Nancy Dreesen.

Members present:  Nancy Dreesen, Raidel Cubero, Billy Cox, Gabby Guitierrez, Barb Atwood, Pastor Alicia Saenz, Pastor Karin Boye, and Sherri Coughlin.

Pastor Boye opened the meeting with prayer.

Motion was made to accept the Minutes of the June 26, 2018 Council Meeting, seconded , and  unanimously approved.

Action Items

Treasurer, Barb Atwood, distributed and presented the Financial Report for June.   We continue to bring in more revenue than spending. As we are now fully staffed, we will begin to see more outgoing funds.

Motion was made to accept the June 2018 Financial Report, seconded, and unanimously approved.

The 2nd Quarter Pacifica Synod benevolence has been sent.

Midyear statements will be sent to Givers by Diane Wages and Kerri Wood.

Discussion was held on Mid Year revision of Budget.   It was agreed that we need to follow through on review of areas that are over or under budget.

Pastor’s Report

Pastor Karin Boye distributed copies of her report to Council members and advised us that her report will go through Council first, then be sent to the Bishop.  She then read her report.

She asked for feedback from us.   Nancy said that she had received many positive comments from Congregation.   Many members had commented that it was good to see us moving forward in a positive way.   Pastor Alicia also reported positive feedback; good organizational skills. Billy said that the changes in service seemed to be accepted, and this was a positive step.

Pastor Karin said that she is accountable to Council, and the Council is accountable to her.

She distributed and reviewed the Organizational chart that was put together by the Personnel Committee on Sunday.  There was a discussion on the chain of command with our cleaning volunteers and our custodian, Bob.

Pastor Boye met with the Building & Maintenance Committee:  Bob, Dennis, Chris, and George, before this meeting. They walked the grounds and created a priority list.   The goal is to come up with Bids for the various projects they identified, She said the “bad news’ is that there is work to be done.   The “good news” is that we have a great campus with great potential.

Pastor Alicia reported that all is going well with the Spanish service.

Other Items

Billy reported that he scheduled pick-ups with DAV for the remaining items in the Youth Center.  The first time they were a no show. He rescheduled and they tried to pick up items from Project Hand, rather than from the Youth Center.   He will now reschedule a 3rd pick up date.

Nancy discussed the rough draft she had prepared of an article for the August newsletter about the possible donation of a parsonage for our settled Pastor, and asked for additional changes to the draft.   She suggested if a family were to donate a home, it could possibly be named after that family.

Nancy reported that Deb Lechner had volunteered to head up the Picnic on the Patio event being scheduled for September.  The original suggestion had been to hold it at 5:00 on Sunday, Sept. 2nd.

Council discussed different time options and finally suggested starting the picnic at 12:30-1:00 instead of 5:00.   It was also agreed that we should move the date to Sunday, the 9th, or Sunday, the 16th, rather than Labor Day weekend.   Council then discussed the process for content of the Newsletter.

Nancy advised that the Lower Level will be used as a polling location for the November 6th election.

Pastor Alicia brought up setting up a Fee Schedule for Jacobson Hall and the Sanctuary.   Pastor Karin said that she is working on this with Esmeralda.

Pastor Alicia closed the meeting with the Lord’s Prayer.

Meeting adjourned at 8:04 P.M.

Submitted by S. Coughlin


Posted in Council Minutes.